A quick little background of what I had seen this far in Uganda is all flat very little elevation change and I hadn't seen a mountain in about 3 months since I left Colorado, which does have mountains for those of you not familiar.
Now all the sudden we get to Sipi which is on the border of Uganda and Kenya and BOOM mountains.
It is a little sad to see how the public transit Matatu (an old beat up VW bus looking thing) could barely I mean barely like people walking were keeping up with us going up these hills. I guess in the car's defense there were 16 people in the van with a desk on top. Too bad we didnt get a picture of it, it probably was a site to see.
So we got there and were pleasantly greet by one of the people working, This place was truly amazing... So i honestly really don't know a whole lot to say, so I figure I will go with the ol' picture is worth a thousand words kind of thing with lots of pictures. But on one hand I just wanted to share a few things from our trip.
Though I am not complaining at all by any means. I do love it here! I consider it a true joy to be here and such a blessing the Lord has chosen me to serve here, but you do make a few sacrifices and I am the first to admit my sacrifices are few compared to many missionaries. So I didn't realize until we got to go here a few things that were so amazing for all of us. You would've thought we had been brought to the Promised Land with how excited we got about a few little things... Hopefully you will find it entertaining.... Its the little things.
So we got to the resort just in time for lunch and served some really good pasta, but what came with it was CHEESE, SALAMI, and CRACKERS. Oh my goodness, please do not take this for granted. This simple combination is a blessing and like James 1 says all good things come from the Lord well this combo is from the Lord. My goodness it was amazing so I think we raved about that all afternoon until we went hiking and saw more of this beautiful place. But we also got cheese with just about every meal, Oh man it was incredible. I LOVE CHEESE. Such a blessing. Cheese is expensive here so it is a true treat.
Then with dinner, we had fresh homemade rolls and bread and with breakfast too I forgot about that. Just like my Mom makes. Another thing not to be taken for granted. Good bread is hard to come by so ... Aww Man it was incredible. It was like you know an appetizer at a nice restaurant that has good bread and you eat too much of it and ask for more because you are bored and eat while you wait for your real meal. Well, although the food was so delicious, we asked for more bread almost instead of our meal because it was SO Delicious and such a treat!
Also, at night here because we were at about 6,000 feet of elevation, something you will never believe happened... It got COLD. I got to, yes Got to wear a sweatshirt. Oh man I hadn't done that in 8 months. And yes that means I didn't go to bed sweating and sticky like many nights in Kampala though it has got much better since we now are in the heart of rainy season as well as Tim and I couldn't take it any longer and broke down and invested in a fan. Glorious. But anyways so ya in Sipi I got to use this foreign thing to me called a blanket, I believe that's the word for that soft cuddly thing you place over you while you sleep to keep warm... he he... sorry once again ...I am not complaining at all just so appreciative of these things. Another thing we honestly probably rejoiced in all weekend of how much we LOVED the Cold. It was awesome.
Last, but not least, they had not only a beautiful shower, but it also had this other thing foreign... water pressure to shower and feel nice and clean as well as it was a nice warm shower. Notice I said warm because they do have hot water for your shower here in our apartment.... But your choices are burn your skin hot or ice cold. So that was our topic of conversation at breakfast most mornings after we showered. When someone came up for breakfast that was the first questions, "Hey have you showered? ... Oh my goodness Ya I did it was amazing.... What I haven't showered yet?! ... Dude you gotta try it? Whoooo. Its amazing!
It may not look like much, but it is wonderful!
So ya just a few things the Lord blessed us with and obviously I cannot repeat enough that it really isn't bad at all. The sacrifices are so minimal and absolutely worth it. I don't want to discourage people from coming here at all. It is an awesome place in need of help so still such a great experience and blessing in my life!!! I LOVE IT!
That's Me swinging on this vine next to the waterfall
Completely safe....
Until Dan fell on the rocks below, which we have a video of, but the internet is a little too slow to publish, but crazy and couldve been a lot worse, but Praise the Lord he is fine.
The view right outside where we were staying such beautiful lush greenery and waterfall. Pictures do not do it justice
For those who followed my travels in Morocco and the finely designed structure bridge there, here is one in Sipi
Ya look at that view and you can see how flat Uganda is in the distance
That is Sipi Falls. 300 foot waterfall and we are hiking to the bottom. You can repel down next to it, but we chose not to.. (Your welcome mom... he he jk)
Almost to the bottom
The pool at the base of the falls
The Group with Hannah in front thinking she is Magellan, sorry to break it to you Hannah, but you didn't discover Sipi Falls.
This is our hut on the right where the boys stayed. Girls on the Left.
A better view of the falls outside our door
The third of the 3 waterfalls here. So there is Sipi Falls, the one by our lodge and this one above our lodge a little hike away
Now you can see Hannah to get some perspective of how big things are.
By the way all these pictures are by Tim who is missing from a lot of pictures bc he takes them, but gotta give him all the credit. He is a stud photographer...
Our girl interns. Jess in front just got engaged last friday. Her Fiance flew to Uganda, surprised her and proposed on Lake Victoria. I know right? Studly move! Props Adam. Well done sir.
Look at that view down the mountain from the top
Our friends who came and sat with us, very intrigued by us Mzungu (white person) they don't see us too often
Young Olympians Hopefully!
Our Guide Jasper.. Does it look safe to swim in Jasper?
Okay, I can test it... that little girl pushed me in....
jk, I jumped and was in the process of doing a cannonball to splash the children
Tim & I gave it another shot.
Yep God made all of it.
Well Done Tim!
This is our Album Cover
Or Maybe this
Or that?
This is for Dan's Solo Album
This one for his Christian album
I know isn't this Indescribable? That's my God, hopefully yours too
I know its a lot of pictures, but you can see how good Tim is of a photographer! SO glad he is here to capture just a taste of this beauty.
Intern Pics
Does something look wrong?
Here's all of us. Daniel on the left just got out of swimming in the waterfall....
Just kidding... Unfortunately, Daniel couldn't come, but we missed him and wanted him there so Tim also being a photoshop expert. Added him in there.
Hope you have a great day... Thanks for looking along and playing with me. Love to hear or see what you are doing, what you are thinking, maybe even a question for me?
I love hearing from people.
That's all for now.
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