I just wanted to say real quick. I just added some links down to the side, Hopefully you can see them....
One being the Uganda Orphanage that I will be working on when I first get there. I encourage you to check out their site, see the amazing things the Peckham family is doing there. Also, there are children you can sponsor through their orphanage. From what I could see there are only 2 children left to sponsor there. It is only 40 dollars/month to make sure these children get enough food, clothes, shelter, so I think it would be awesome if some of us jumped on that. If we just skip going to dinner once this month, this child can eat for the month. Pray about it and if God lays these children on your heart to help them out awesome!
Mohamed & Frank
Secondly, the other link I posted about the Uganda Rehab center is the other project I will be heading to in a little bit more previously dangerous area of Uganda (safe now). If you have some time to check that out to, it is an amazing project with some people with hearts to help rehabilitate to people who have had run in's with the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army). The LRA is the group that kidnaps children and essentially brainwashes them to be soldiers, mindlessly, kidnapping and killing. Very very sad, So this organization helps them psychologically then teaches them a vocation to help them out. AMAZING! Check it out there is a little video on the main page that would be good to watch give a little overview.
Just wanted to say that real quick, another note to come soon!
Please again, I encourage people to contact me if you want. Love hearing from everyone!
LOVE to all!
God Bless!
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