So here goes nothing....
So as I was reading Luke 13 this morning and contemplating things that God laid on my heart the last few days. This text just really confirmed for me a few things.
One just how much we really need to be living in the present moment. Especially right now at a changing point for me in my life approaching the graduation of college and being excited for what God may have in store for me. I find myself thinking so often about how great and exciting the future will be. I'm sure lots of people can relate to that from so many different areas and perspectives whether something super exciting is coming up in our lives or something dreadful is coming up in our lives (dreadful may be a strong word, but you know like tests things like that can be just bad at times or just classes work all that junk). I spend so much time looking to the future things that either I think oh I can't wait for that to come or man I cannot wait until this week is over with this that or the other. I find myself often so focused on that that I just get this mindset of just get through this then it will get better.
But today the Lord just really strongly put it on my heart that Today is the day the Lord has made, so let us be glad and rejoice in that (Psalm 118:24 paraphrase kinda). This is just something I so need to work on rather than looking towards this future. Then this for me tied into Luke 13 in such that there will be a day when Jesus returns and its all over anyways. So I need to make this day count. I may never get to enjoy the opportunity to go to Uganda that I have started getting so excited about. I may not get to experience the joy of being married and starting a family. Would I love to? Absolutely, but I find my eyes too often looking at that instead of "Ok, God what do you have for me today?" I need to focus my eyes on God and things of today He has for me and for any of us (by us I mean any silly person who reads my random thoughts that I wrote...)
I don't think to look to the future at times or think about it is wrong at all, but I feel too often so many of us (me worse right now) can let that overtake us and give us the attitude of just get through this day or this quarter, this year, whatever it may be. I just really want to try harder and encourage anyone to do this just really focus our eyes on God and REJOICE in whatever God has for us this moment. I fail at this, but I want to strive to do better. Also, admitting that I or no person can do this themselves so humbly asking God for help motivated by His Grace to do better.
Secondly, the other thing that really struck me in Luke 13 just really tied into a part of my testimony that I didn't really think about a whole lot until just now. It is from the parable of the fig tree.
And he told this parable: "A man had(A) a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 7And he said to the vinedresser, 'Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none.(B) Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?' 8And he answered him, 'Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. 9Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.'"
~Luke 13:6-9
This was so me. I knew of God and claimed to be a "Christian" most of my life, maybe went to church a few times a year, but I was this fig tree. Year after year I produced no fruit. I did nothing. I did not think of God or Jesus or anything of the sort. I was just here taking up space doing my own thing. I knew the right things to do, but I would not do them. I fully remember having conversations with different people about how I was going to live it up now and once I settled down, I would follow the Bible more and go to church.... yada yada. Why was I so blind? Praise God for opening my eyes now, but WOW was I blind.
But God in His Mercy and Grace fought for me. He said K2 I will give you a little more time, but if no fruit, I am sorry I am going to cut you down. So many people could be just like me, thinking I will be a better Christian tomorrow. I will follow more things in the future. Don't be ignorant like I was and think that.
Because reality is that that may not be a tomorrow. What if Jesus returns today? Good luck telling Jesus, THE SON OF GOD, wait Jesus could you come back a little later? I'm not ready to follow you yet. Give me a few more years of living for the pleasures of this world. Come back another day. Why was I such a fool to think that? I had no idea the reality that Jesus could return at any moment. We forget this so often. I am so bad at this. But God give me your grace and power to dwell on this more! This leads me to the second part of the profound things God revealed to me. So simple and I feel like I knew this things, but He really laid the weightiness of this on my heart today:
25(A) When once the master of the house has risen and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying,(B) 'Lord, open to us,' then he will answer you,(C) 'I do not know where you come from.' 26Then you will begin to say,(D) 'We ate and drank in your presence, and you taught in our streets.' 27But he will say, 'I tell you,(E) I do not know where you come from.(F) Depart from me, all you workers of evil!'
Don't be a fool like I was. Praise God that I no longer am and so many people are on this side, but people on the fence or on the complete opposite side of Jesus, Please don't get left outside like Jesus talks about here. Jesus could return at anytime and restore things here. He will come to make a New Earth like Heaven where His will is done. I don't want anyone to be left outside saying wait Jesus I did not know that you were serious and would really leave me outside. Come on Man let me in. When Jesus comes, no one is going to want to be left outside of His Glorious Presence (or the alternate. do we know the reality of the other choice, read Revelation, its gruesome and awful). I feel like Jesus will just say, I am sorry I tried. I did everything I could. I died the worst death imaginable and all you had to do was trust me as your savior. Jesus made it as easy as possible for us. I don't want anyone to take this wrong though as many think life all the sudden becomes easier following Jesus because it doesnt, that's a whole other issue, maybe I will see if God wills me to write more on that... haha
I don't know what I am doing or why I wrote this.... oh well... if you curious